A few nights back we camped in the Lolo national forest in MT. About 150 miles from Glacier national park and close to 400 miles to yellowstone. It was getting late so we hastely found a spot by the river. I didnt have much time and needed to think fast to get the tent up before dark. My wife knew I was worried about something and was begining to worry herself. I began to search my brain for things ive read and heard about bears and cougers etc. was it possiable they could be in st.regis montanna ? I know there are grizzly bears in yellowstone but we were a few hundred miles away, do they roam out side of the park ? So im begining to second guess my decision . After awhile I just needed to give this fear over to God and trust in his mercy on us. King David prayed "make me to know... how frail I am " I sure felt weak and frail that night ! then to top it all off we camped about 50 yards from the train tracks. If youv ever slept that close to a train then you know what im talking about. Even though you know your not on the tracks as the train gets closer and closer you have to reasure yourself over and over again IM NOT ON THE TRACKS ! All the while as the horn is blarring in your ears. "make me to know... how frail I am ".... David wanted to know , this was a lesson David wanted God to teach him, how about that ? Is that a lesson your willing to let God teach you ? We can get so secure in our comfort zones we forget how frail we are, how poor and needy . It seems David knew this and didnt want to be decieved by a false impression of reality. Im so thankful (my wife too) for that ruff night of sleep, its really a blessing to be reminded of how God is coming again like a train Hes coming its dreadful to consider His return but sure enough one day its gonna take place. May we be watching for it on a daily bases & not get blinded by the deceitfulness of comfort and riches.Thank God he kept us safe that night. I didnt need to worry so much about grizzly bears but research showed there has been some nasty black bears in that area.
LORD, make me to know mine end, and the measure of my days, what it is: that I may know how
frail I am.
Psalm 39:4
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