Today we had the misko family over. Its nice to meet new friends. The misko family has 10 children ! They are some of the most well behaved children I have ever seen. May God use them for his glory.The meeting was on the importance of enduring to the end. Not giving up on each other or God when affliction and trials or persecution arise. True love will bear the burdens of the weak ...consider jesus on the cross “ Father forgive them for they know not what they do. ”
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Vision statement
Our vision for Kingdom minded Christians working better together is,
Living communally: One of our biggest encouragements for living communally is Jesus living communally with His apostles; and the apostle’s testimony of living communally after Jesus resurrection. Jesus probably had very good reasons for living closely with the brothers and we can see many benefits as well.
Now living communally can be described a number of different ways. However, the closer the body is one to another the faster things can get done. But, not so close to where family lines are blurred and brothers cannot be the head of their own households. One practical example would be to share a large piece of land just outside a bigger city, with individual dwellings and possibly some communal structures. A good addition to that should be to rent a house inside that nearby big city to use as a hub for inner city ministry. This house should be fully supported by the community as their main outlet for the community’s inner city missions.
We have experienced manifold blessings in living very close to own another here on Zion Road even when our living situations have not been ideal. Some ways to how living communally can help further the Kingdom of God.
Living communally can further the kingdom of God in many ways both physically and spiritually. For example: Physically Sharing resources that is ( tools ,vehicles, food, experience, like sisters helping sisters sew, brothers helping brothers build and work, splitting the cost of living and gas for witnessing ). We can spend less time working for physical needs and more time working for the kingdom in our lives and in others.
Spiritually We can practically carry out and be more accountable to the commandments of Jesus like loving each other, dying to ourselves daily, and giving to one another. We can meet more frequently to pray and study the Word of God. This proximity allows brothers to encourage and edify one another face to face on a daily basis. And this we believe will help Kingdom minded Christians further the Kingdom of God.
We should always be willing to connect with those who accept and live out the doctrine of Christ. Lest we become un-Christ-like. While at the same time most of our energy will be poured into our local fellowship.
Just as the church at Ephesus was connected to the church in Corinth, we yearn for the body of Christ to be of one heart and one soul.