We are Blessed to see br. Daniel giving his life to christ. The cost is everthing and the rewards are eternal. May the spirit keep this brother walking in the light , and newness of life. We are hoping to see more souls this summer making the commitment, and partaking in the hope of reconciliation. However the laborers are few and the narrow road which leads to life is steep and hard to travel. Count the cost for what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world yet loses his own soul ? Isnt it worth forsaking our short time on earth to live for God and others ? Isnt it a blessing to stand by Yeshua and suffer reproach with him then to be esteemed by mortal men ? If you witnessed the crucifixion and Yeshua looked down, and he beckoned you to come up on the cross, would you not gladly? let us suffer with him that we may also reign with him !
Praise God!