Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I had some thoughts recently that really blessed me.  We often preach non-resistance just as Yeshua (Jesus) taught to turn the other cheek.  We preach this for at least two reasons; because of Matthew 28:19-20, and because this is something this professing christian world lacks and sorely needs.  But Yeshua (Jesus) did not stop there.  He preached that we should go a step further and love our enemy, and bless them that persecute us.  What self denial this must take to put into practice (may God give us His amazing Grace to walk in this light).  Also, this doctrine is not just some change of theology.  This is a day to day life changing teaching that is part of our new birth into the Kingdom of God.  I challenge you (and myself as well) to think of someone who hates you, or if someone persecutes you to bless them.  Don't just sit around and wait for something really bad to happen to you either.  Seek out opportunities to obey this teaching of Christ.  May God help you and me.    


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this post it has been to remind me.
